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I left my heart in Iowa, United States

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Gitomer's Affirmations of Success*

*Mel's note: This is written for a target audience of sales ppl. Adapt as needed per your career situation. This works for anybody!

I am the friendliest person in the world.
I am the most enthusiastic person in the world.
I am the most helpful person in the world.
I will tell myself what I can do, not what I can't.
I love to serve.
I love to sell.
I don't pre-judge or down anyone.
I will ask before I tell.
I will take control of myself and my success.
I will not gripe or whine about my lot in life. Rather I will celebrate all I have and all I love and all I will learn.
I will remember the good times as often as I can.
I will ask for what I want.
I will stick at it until I win even if my ass falls off.
I will reinforce my decisions with positive thoughts, not negative second guesses.
I will thank everyone for their help and never measure.
I will give with pride.
I will be memorable.
I will avoid “argue.”
Life may not be a blast right now, but look at all I've learned and look where I can get with hard work.
I will feel GREAT when I make a sale.
I will earn more when I make the sale.
I will celebrate my victories today.
I will have a great time tomorrow.

Posted to Facebook Notes on January 15, 2011

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