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I left my heart in Iowa, United States

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Choosing the Better Way

From One-Minute Devotions for Girls
by Carolyn Larsen

So, you love those who love you.

You’re friendly to your friends.

You do nice things for those who do nice things for you.


Anyone can do that.

It’s when life gets tough, when someone tells lies about you, cheats you, steals from you, or is just generally a jerk that you have a choice to make.

You can decide to be just as stinky as they are and let your behavior sink to their level or you can choose to behave like God’s child and love your enemy, pray for them.

It’s a choice you have to make every day.

                      Dear God,
                      Please help me to treat others the way
                      You want me to.
                      Help me to show love, even to those who
                      are mean to me.

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